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OCR: HTTP Header Example Description Last-Modified last-modified: Tues, 12 Last modification date and time for Aug 1997 21:12:20 GMT the file. Content-Language content languages en Specifies a page's language, Especially necessary for languages using different alphabets. The language is specified with an ISO code. Location Location: One method of server redirection. http://www.informant.com When this is used, Content-type should not be specified URI Another method of redirection. Best to http://www.infor-mint.com use Location as well. When this is used; Content-type should not be specified: Date date: Tuas: 12 Aug 1997 Current date and time. 23:30:20 GUT Expires expires: ned, 15 Aug 1997 A method for convincing browsers to 00:20:54 GMT refresh frequently used documents. The document is still sent; however, many browsers will not look to their caches for an expired document. Server Server: Microsoft-1:8/3.0 Server software that is being used Set-Cookie set -cookie; This is the accepted standard for set- ting client-side persistent cookies from 66080000f84; expires=Wed, the server. 6.Sep. 1999 19:00:00 GMT; domaine.microsoft .com; patach Content-Length content-length: 8110 Content length in bytes. Especially important for binary files. Figure 4: HTTP hooder types.